We The Future

Join Amplifier and 20,000 educators across the country to tell a new story about the future of America.
The We the Future campaign showcased ten young leaders representing ten diverse movements, each already building us a better world. They are drafting and passing legislation. They are working on climate justice, criminal justice reform, voting rights, immigration rights, disability justice, gun reform, queer rights, and literacy. Their work is nonpartisan, and it carries the energy of countless communities from every background. In a time of uncertainty these icons show us a path forward, and they show us that the future is already here.
In partnership with the artists Shepard Fairey, Rommy Torrico, Munk One, and Kate DeCiccio, this project placed art and supporting teaching tools representing these young leaders and their movements into more than 20,000 schools across the country to inspire and engage the next generation.

Icons For Our Future
We the Future features young leaders from social change movements that are working to encourage people to vote, address climate change, rethink the immigration system, create opportunity in our education system, and address gun violence.
The Artists
Kate DeCiccio
Munk One
Rommy Torrico
Shepard Fairey
Campaign Timeline

January 2017
After a divisive presidential election, Amplifier launches We The People, a nonpartisan campaign that rejected hate and fear with new symbols of hope, images that capture the shared humanity of our diverse America. On inauguration day and beyond, millions of people across the United States and in 195 countries downloaded this art, saw it on walls or in newspapers, and carried it on to the streets.

October 2017
Amplifier debuts the Education Amplifier program, bringing art, lesson plans and resources about social justice issues into classrooms across the country. More than 2,500 teachers located in every U.S. state registered for the 2017/2018 cohort.
October 2017

January 2018
Together with organizers and educators, Amplifier lays the groundwork for the next stage of We The People, a campaign called We The Future. Community meetings and design labs identify hundreds of young leaders actively working toward social justice while highlighting the key issues they face and the voices and messages that need to be heard.

May 2018
The ten young leaders for We The Future are selected, and artists Kate DeCiccio, Munk One, Rommy Torrico, and Shepard Fairey begin to work on their portraits. The young leaders and their organizations begin working with the Education Amplifier program to help build lesson plans to accompany each piece of art.
May 2018

September 18 2018
We The Future launches publicly through a Kickstarter campaign, street art in major cities, and via the social networks of the ten young leaders, their organizations, and their communities.

October 2018
Free digital downloads of all We The Future artwork become available at Amplifier.org, along with teaching tools, ideas for how to take action, and interviews with the ten icons and their organizations.
October 2018

November 2018
We The Future posters and prints begin shipping to classrooms and campaign backers nationwide, and schools receive teaching tools and artwork to guide discussions of social justice and paths to action during the 2018/2019 school year.

January 2019 + Onwards
Students in Education Amplifier classrooms participate in the We The Future Op-Ed Open Call, writing essays about their visions of the future in response to the campaign’s ten icons and the movements they represent. Selected op-eds will be published by national and regional partners leading up to the 2020 elections
January 2019 + Onwards
Educators Wanted
The We the Future campaign was the founding program in the Education Amplifier program, which is now a 15-piece content suite reaching 1 million K-12 students nationwide. We The Future’s teaching tools are designed for middle and high school classes with the intention to engage youth across the country in discussion around issues impacting them and their communities. The campaign’s artwork and accompanying lesson plans provide both a mirror and a window into various pathways of self-awareness, healing, and action. These conversation drivers are being shared with the hopes that young people in every region of the United States will be inspired to take action in support of justice and equality.

Video production services for We the Future provided in kind by Casual Films.
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