Are you a kid who likes to say NO? Well, that’s awesome, because here, we’re saying NO to toxins in our food!
Welcome to the youth contest component of our United For Kindness open call for art, where we’re taking action and showing big corporations who’s really in charge – us!
Big food companies like General Mills, Post, and Kraft grow grains at a huge volume, so they use chemicals like Roundup to keep weeds at bay. But the bad news is, trace elements of those substances then end up in some of our favorite foods, like Cheerios. If these companies switched to regenerative agriculture, that would phase out pesticides and actually cool the planet. End result = we get healthier snacks and healthier soil, soil that can feed our communities for generations to come!
Glyphosate Fact Sheet
On this page, we invite you to:
- Use our lesson plans to learn about this issue
- Join our video contest saying you’ll dump these companies until they dump toxins from their food (see example below). Once you submit, you’ll have the chance to win fun prizes like concert tickets, theme park tickets, a PlayStation, and more!
- Sign the petition at Unitedforkindness.org
Contest Details: From now through November 15, we’re inviting original, short-format video submissions by and for kids, telling big companies what you DON’T want in your cereals and snacks! Youth can use these sample scripts for inspiration, if they’d like.
Up to 10 winners (5 K-5th graders, and 5 7th-12th graders) will be selected for prizes of THEIR CHOICE, ranging up to $750 USD in cash value. Kids and teens can choose from prizes like a PlayStation, concert tickets to go see their favorite singers, tickets to Disneyland, a family trip to a national park, or even a laptop packed with a great creative suit for fun design projects. Amplifier staff will ship the items from our Los Angeles headquarters!
Submission details:
-If you’re old enough to use your own social media account (13 and up), submit your own video via your social media channels, tagging us @Amplifierart so we can track it. (Extra credit = tag the corporations you’re calling out!)
-If you’re a young person under 13, have your teacher, parent, babysitter, or grown up help you make a video, and then submit it for you, if you want! Videos can be submitted via this form or can be emailed to us at education@amplifier.org.