Lush x Amplifier

In winter 2022, Amplifier collaborated with Lush to invite the world to experience Lush as an oasis of kindness, as they aim to provide a little salvation from the heavy world surrounding us. For days when ‘the world is too much with us’, there’s Lush. This adaptation of a line from a William Wordsworth poem (entitled “The World Is Too Much With Us”) provides the inspiration behind eight bespoke artworks that are popping up in the windows of Lush stores across North America this December.
Lush has collaborated with Amplifier, a nonprofit design lab that builds art and media experiments to amplify the most important movements of our times. Amplifier has sourced and commissioned talented artists, each one local to the community in which their artwork will be displayed. The project kicks off a partnership between Lush and Amplifier, who came together over their shared ambitions to promote wellbeing and affect real social impact: whether that be through Amplifier’s mission to distribute free art to millions of students across the US, or Lush’s long history of advocacy and activism work. Alongside decades of ethical campaigning, Lush logged off social media last year as a result of mounting evidence of its unsafe and toxic effects on mental health, especially among the youth generation that we see in our shops.
Featuring artwork by:
Audrey Herbertson – Irvine, California
Bunnie Reiss – Walnut Creek, California
Casielle Santos-Gaerlan – Brooklyn, New York
Catie St. Jacques – Vancouver, British Columbia
Jack and Bec – Austin, Texas
Jess Vossetieg – Boulder, Colorado
Katie Chung – Chicago, Illinois
Thomas Wimberly – New Orleans, Louisiana