Through our Global Open Call for Art we are awarding $1000 to 100 artists from around the world to create symbols that build trust in the safety and efficacy of vaccines, advocate for vaccine equity, and help combat vaccine disinformation.
“Here in Brazil, more than half of the indigenous peoples are not being treated with the vaccine. The vaccine is the only salvation at this point. Everyone has the right to a vaccine, no matter where it comes from and the difficulty of reaching you. Vaccine is everyone’s right. Vaccine yes, vaccine saved. Aqui no Brasil, mais da metade dos povos indigenas não estão sendo contemplados com a vacina. A vacina é a única salvação neste momento. Todos tem direito a vacina, não importa sua origem e a dificuldade para chegar até você. A Vacina é direito de todos. Vacina sim, Vacina salva.” – Karla Lucatelli Duarte