In response to COVID-19, Amplifier launched an emergency campaign with top art curators and public-health advisors from around the world looking for public health and safety messages that can help flatten the curve through education and symbols that help promote mental health, well-being, and social change work during these stressful times.
For years, systems of oppression have labeled many people who reside in the US without documentation “illegal immigrants” or even just “illegals” stripping many people, especially farmworkers (70% of whom are undocumented) of any human dignity. In 2020, farmworkers still don’t receive as many rights or privileges that many others do today. Now, these same “illegal immigrants” are essential to the health and livelihood of all of American society, regardless of political affiliation, gender, or race. #WeFeedYou fuels the movement to educate the American people who exactly puts potatoes, carrots, and other produce on our shelves.
See more from José Camacho here.