In response to COVID-19, Amplifier launched an emergency campaign with top art curators and public-health advisors from around the world looking for public health and safety messages that can help flatten the curve through education and symbols that help promote mental health, well-being, and social change work during these stressful times. “This work riffs off the famous phrase of the Indian spiritual master Meher Baba, “Don’t worry; Be happy,” later converted into song by Bobby McFerrin in 1988. Its concise message of positivity has at times been misunderstood as careless or passive, but simplicity is powerful and mantras like these continue to be used because they encourage us during challenging times. While its difficult to be happy in the face of this crisis and the uncertainty it brings, together we can withstand the curve, flatten it, and recover- not through worry or panic, but through collaboration as a world community. With this work, I want to express a simple message for all of us: to resist fear-mongering messages and to focus on our innate human resilience.” – Alejandro Varela – see more from Alejandro here.