Indigenous Peoples' Day

For Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2020, Amplifier, Nia Tero and IllumiNative teamed up to launch a new large-scale public art campaign to elevate Indigenous land stewardship EVERYDAY!
This campaign reminds people that we are not separate from the land, and that our fates are interconnected, particularly as our globe passes through multiple material crises of our own making, and racial justice and the November elections are top of mind. The campaign also celebrates the vital relationship between Indigenous sovereignty and Black liberation.
Artworks are by Gregg Deal (Pyramid Lake Paiute), Mer Young (Hidalgo Otomi and Mescarelo-Chiricahua Apache), Weshoyot Alvitre (Tongva), and Lmnopi. Many of these artworks also come to life with AR-assisted storytelling – download the app!
This campaign also features a new lesson plan! Designed for both in-classroom as well as remote learners, this project-based lesson plan asks: What is the impact on human lives and property, biodiversity, and air and water quality when we honor and restore land stewardship to Indigenous peoples.
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Check out our live map of large scale murals to visit and activate the art in your home city! We have installations in Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, as well as digital billboards in Baltimore, Cleveland, Denver, San Antonio and St. Louis.